Shakkarpara - Shakkarpare - Shakarpali -shankarpali | She Plans Dinner

Shakkarpara - Shakkarpare - Shakarpali -shankarpali

Diwali Festival Special Ingredients Plain flour - 2.5 cup, (maida) Ghee - 7-8 tbsp/ oil Salt - a pinch Cardamom powde...

Diwali Festival Special


    • Plain flour - 2.5 cup, (maida)
    • Ghee - 7-8 tbsp/ oil
    • Salt - a pinch
    • Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp (elaichi powder)
    • Sugar - 1/4 cup
    • milk & Water mix - 1/4 cup
    • Oil for deep frying

    Method :

    • In a small pan, add milk -water mixture , ghee and sugar & Cardamom powder and allow the sugar to melt. Turn off heat after sugar melted.

    • In a bowl, add the maida, salt,  mix well.
    • In sugar melted mixture add maida ,Slowly, keep mixing to form a slightly firm yet smooth dough.Knead for a good 6-8 minutes. Cover with clean kitchen napkin and set aside for at least 30 to 60 minutes.

    • After 30-60 minutes Divide the kneaded dough into two or three portions.

    • Roll the dough into a large thick circle
    • A sharp knife or a pizza cutter to cut horizontally and vertically so that you achieve diamond shapes

    • Heat oil for deep frying in a heavy bottom vessel
    • now remove each cut piece and place on a plate so that you can drop them easily into the hot oil while deep frying.
    • on medium flame ,place few of the cut pieces carefully into the hot oil for deep fry.
    • Deep fry till they attain a golden brown shade.
    • Allow the fried Shankarpali to cool completely and then store in a cool, dry place, in an airtight container for later.


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